Today, Pastor Austin begins a three-week series titled, “Be Careful What You Pray For”, looking at three small, but significant prayers. Prayers we should pray…but not lightly. Scripture Passages: Psalm 139:23-24; Jeremiah 17:9
Today, Pastor Austin begins a three-week series titled, “Be Careful What You Pray For”, looking at three small, but significant prayers. Prayers we should pray…but not lightly. Scripture Passages: Psalm 139:23-24; Jeremiah 17:9
Pastor Austin continues the “…in the Lord” series. Also, this morning we celebrate our 2019 High School graduates. Scripture Passages: Psalm 57, Job 4:10
Today Pastor Austin begins a new sermon series titled “…in the Lord”. How does your delight in the Lord lead to God giving you the desires of your heart? Scripture Passage: Psalm 37:4
Imagine someone sitting down to write your life story. Not someone who never liked you or someone who thinks you are the closest thing to an angel. What would the author write in a biography about you? Scripture Passage: Psalm 36:1-4
Who are you when no one is looking? If you think “no one” is looking at your life you are terribly wrong. “Someone” is always looking, always listening, always present.