This morning we welcomed guest speaker, Kevin Palau. Kevin is the president and CEO of the Louis Palau Association and author of Unlikely: Setting Aside Our Differences to Live Out the Gospel.
This morning we welcomed Mike Gafa. Mike is a pastor and author of Faith Based: A Biblical, Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in the Church. Mike preached on a sermon titled “What Do You Want?” John 1:35-51
Pastor Austin concludes our three-part sermon series titled, “Be Careful What You Pray For“. “Of all the weeks, this is perhaps the hardest, boldest, and most dangerous prayer to pray.” Scripture Passages: Mark 14, Luke 22:19, 2 Timothy 4:6
This morning, Pastor Austin leads us through two thoughts: First, we look at three responses to God when God speaks from Scripture. Second, we take a deeper look dive into a life surrendered to the Lord. Scripture Passages: Jonah 1:1-3; Exodus 3:10, 4:13; Isaiah 6:5-8