Rosewood Vision Update
April 26, 2023
God’s vision for Rosewood to reproduce spiritual leaders in our church and homes to empower the next generation of believers is gaining momentum and carrying us towards new ministry opportunities. Below are two of these new efforts.
Be Impressive Campaign
If you were in service or watched online on April 16, you heard me introduce our Be Impressive campaign for 2023. Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us we are to impress God’s word upon our children, and this vision for generational discipleship is key to God’s plan for God’s people. It’s a call for all of us to be a person who makes an impression upon the next generation (0-22 years old). The consistory and staff believe God is challenging us to see 80% of our church connected in meaningful ways with the next generation as a person of spiritual influence, and nothing helps us spur one another on in faith and good works more than sharing stories. Your stories through the Be Impressive campaign will help us celebrate how God is at work in our church, homes, and community to reach the next generation.
We know many of you have stories to share already, while others will take intentional steps to experience and tell new stories this year. The link to share your stories will be available for the remainder of the year on our website with QR codes visible in the Lobby and bulletin every week. For your convenience, you can also click HERE. As stories keep coming in, you’ll be able to start seeing these “impressive” stories hanging around the Lobby.
Next month, Rosewood is welcoming a new ministry partnership with an organization called CarePortal. CarePortal began as a foster care support service and has since expanded to assist any children or families in crisis. Every day, case workers with child serving agencies encounter children in need. They post these needs to CarePortal which immediately make supporting organizations, like Rosewood, aware of how to help. You could say that these agencies are the eyes and ears in the community, while churches like Rosewood are the hands and feet ready to serve.
On Sunday, May 7, in the Sanctuary following worship, we’ll be hosting a CarePortal representative to provide more information about our partnership. So don’t go far after service! I know this overlaps with some of Sunday School hour, but I would still encourage adult classes to sacrifice some of their group time to attend this meeting. Children’s Sunday School will not be affected.
Coming up next…
Good things come in threes, and another exciting opportunity to reach the next generation and their families is coming. Stay tuned for more on May 21!
-Pastor Austin