Thanks for your interest in Rosewood Church. We’re providing the following information to make your visit as beneficial and enjoyable as possible.
At our services you will see a range of clothing from some suits and ties to jeans ‘n t-shirts, so come in whatever makes you feel ready to worship!
When you Arrive

• Grab some coffee before and after the service.
• Sunday mornings there are Greeters to welcome you and answer questions, but if you miss them, there are fellowship pads in the pews, we welcome you to add your contact information so we can say “HI”
• Service lasts approximately 1 hour.

• Our blended service style incorporates modern worship music and a mix of classic hymns.
• Our regular praise band and vocal team are joined once a month by our worship choir, which meets during the school year from September through April or May.
• If you have children Infant through 5th grade that will go to nursery or either of our Children’s Ministries during worship, you’ll want to check them in BEFORE the service at our Check In Center. You can also pre-register HERE
• Nursery (0- 2 Years) is available during the service
• There are two Children’s Ministries available during the service, Sprouts (3 yrs – K) and Buds (1st – 5th Gr). **During the summer Sprouts and Buds are combined in the Gym**
If you have any questions either before of after your visit please feel free to contact Pastor Austin or any member of our staff.