Rosewood Vision Update
June 20, 2023
You don’t have to attend Rosewood long to realize we have a certain pattern to our order of worship. In fact, our order is consistent with many other churches as well because it helps promote balanced, biblical worship through prayer, Scripture, music, giving, and preaching. That said, a service order isn’t sacred and what works for one person may not connect with another. Releasing our children during service is a good case in point – we design worship for adults and create a separate environment for kids so everyone is met, to the best of our ability, on their own level.
Well, we’re going to mess with the status quo a little.
Fifth Sundays
July, October, and December all have five Sundays. On the fifth Sunday, we are going to have an inter-generational worship service where we celebrate traditions and learning styles of all ages. That means only nursery will be offered and everyone else will stay in service. So, let me tell you what Fifth Sunday is NOT:
It is not worship like usual where we make kids sit quietly in “adult church.”
It is not worship just for kids where adults feel talked down to.
We are not using kids as token showpieces in worship.
Fifth Sundays has its own identity, and it’s best to approach it without any expectations of what it ought to be. Every mark of biblical worship will be upheld, but in new ways that better accommodate a wide variety of attention spans, maturity, and interests. Our goal is to create shared, cross-generational experiences that promote community across all ages. As we discover more and more that it means to live into our vision of empowering the next generation of believers in the church and home, we know that kids need more than just a good youth leader or Sunday School teacher. They need a church that loves and values their membership in the body of believers.
Our first Fifth Sunday is July 30, and I can’t wait to share what we’re planning!
-Pastor Austin